OJAD Multilingualization
OJAD Multilingualization
First, we developed the Japanese version of OJAD. Following that, we developed an English version. Now, we are in the process of translating OJAD into a wide variety of other languages.
When translating OJAD into another language, each section must be translated into that language. To carry this out, we are making use of the translation tool Poedit. This tool can be downloaded below. It is available for Windows and MacOS.
We believe it is most effective to carry out this translation in pairs consisting of a native of the target language and a person with programming experience. That being said, it should only be necessary for the programmer to have knowledge of the meanings of the c printf statements "%s", "%d" and "%c". For Japanese language teachers with programming experience, the translation task can be carried out alone.
If there is anything you do not understand, you can view the already-available translation in English.
Once you have completed the translation, carry out the task below and the final version will be created.
- Load OJAD in the target language and adjust the font type and size. Also, while viewing OJAD in the target language, make changes to the translations for OJAD accounting for the window dimensions.
- After releasing this to the public, we will have Japanese language teachers who are natives of the target language report any errors that might exist within the translation. If there are any error reports, you shall make any necessary changes based on them.
Download location for the translation tool
How to use the translation tool (Youtube video)
The translation file can be found here (Version 20231023)
Completed Translations
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> English(Version 20231023)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Indonesian(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Korean(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Chinese(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Vietnamese(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> German(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Russian(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Thai(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Polish(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Spanish(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Swedish(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> ポルトガル語(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> イタリア語(Version 20231024)
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> フランス語(Version 20231024)
Warning: If the Japanese version is updated following the completion of the translation, discrepancies between the Japanese and translated versions will occur and in some cases the translations will be displayed in Japanese rather than in the target language.
Points to take note of regarding the translation.
The translation done for OJAD, is to be done by translating the Japanese version into language X. It is important to note that there are some unfamiliar symbols in the source file for the website.
For you who have experience with computer programming, those symbols may be familiar. For those without such experience, please read the below prior to getting started with your translation.
The symbol %s will appear within the sentences.
- How a sentence will look on the OJAD website
- All audio samples are from the voices of Ueda Masako (female) and Kato Hiroki (male), two professional Japanese voice actors.
- How a sentence looks in the source file
- All audio samples are from the voices of %s (female) and %s (male), two professional Japanese voice actors.
- Source for the English version
- All audio samples are the voices of %s and %s, two professional Japanese voice actors.
%s can be viewed as a slot. For example, the sentence "I am _ years old", which contains a slot before years, will have the _ replaced with 20, 30, or some other value. What we would like you to translate is the source file for Japanese Version.
Apart from the above example, the below symbols also appear within the source.
Special Symbols Function
List of slots like %s.
List of slots like %s.
<br> and <br/>
Line break
<em> abcdefg </em>
Modify abcdefg (emphasize)
<strong> abcdefg </strong>
Modify abcdefg
<span class=\"accent_plain\"> abcdefg </span>
Modify abcdefg
<span class=\"accent_top\"> abcdefg </span>
Modify abcdefg
In order to do a double quotation (") it will be necessary to write it as ["\"]. If you delete [\], it will not be displayed correctly.
Apart from the examples listed above, there may be other special symbols. It should be possible to guess what they mean from the above. If you have any questions, send them to here.
OJAD Multilingualization
First, we developed the Japanese version of OJAD. Following that, we developed an English version. Now, we are in the process of translating OJAD into a wide variety of other languages.
When translating OJAD into another language, each section must be translated into that language. To carry this out, we are making use of the translation tool Poedit. This tool can be downloaded below. It is available for Windows and MacOS.
We believe it is most effective to carry out this translation in pairs consisting of a native of the target language and a person with programming experience. That being said, it should only be necessary for the programmer to have knowledge of the meanings of the c printf statements "%s", "%d" and "%c". For Japanese language teachers with programming experience, the translation task can be carried out alone.
If there is anything you do not understand, you can view the already-available translation in English.
Once you have completed the translation, carry out the task below and the final version will be created.
- Load OJAD in the target language and adjust the font type and size. Also, while viewing OJAD in the target language, make changes to the translations for OJAD accounting for the window dimensions.
- After releasing this to the public, we will have Japanese language teachers who are natives of the target language report any errors that might exist within the translation. If there are any error reports, you shall make any necessary changes based on them.
Download location for the translation tool
How to use the translation tool (Youtube video)
The translation file can be found here (Version 20231023)
Completed Translations
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> English(Version 20231023) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Indonesian(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Korean(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Chinese(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Vietnamese(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> German(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Russian(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Thai(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Polish(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Spanish(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> Swedish(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> ポルトガル語(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> イタリア語(Version 20231024) | Download |
Japanese(Version 20231023) <--> フランス語(Version 20231024) | Download |
Warning: If the Japanese version is updated following the completion of the translation, discrepancies between the Japanese and translated versions will occur and in some cases the translations will be displayed in Japanese rather than in the target language.
Points to take note of regarding the translation.
The translation done for OJAD, is to be done by translating the Japanese version into language X. It is important to note that there are some unfamiliar symbols in the source file for the website.
For you who have experience with computer programming, those symbols may be familiar. For those without such experience, please read the below prior to getting started with your translation.
The symbol %s will appear within the sentences.
- How a sentence will look on the OJAD website
- All audio samples are from the voices of Ueda Masako (female) and Kato Hiroki (male), two professional Japanese voice actors.
- How a sentence looks in the source file
- All audio samples are from the voices of %s (female) and %s (male), two professional Japanese voice actors.
- Source for the English version
- All audio samples are the voices of %s and %s, two professional Japanese voice actors.
%s can be viewed as a slot. For example, the sentence "I am _ years old", which contains a slot before years, will have the _ replaced with 20, 30, or some other value. What we would like you to translate is the source file for Japanese Version.
Apart from the above example, the below symbols also appear within the source.
Special Symbols | Function |
%4d | List of slots like %s. |
%02d | List of slots like %s. |
<br> and <br/> | Line break |
<em> abcdefg </em> | Modify abcdefg (emphasize) |
<strong> abcdefg </strong> | Modify abcdefg |
<span class=\"accent_plain\"> abcdefg </span> | Modify abcdefg |
<span class=\"accent_top\"> abcdefg </span> | Modify abcdefg |
In order to do a double quotation (") it will be necessary to write it as ["\"]. If you delete [\], it will not be displayed correctly.
Apart from the examples listed above, there may be other special symbols. It should be possible to guess what they mean from the above. If you have any questions, send them to here.