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Online Japanese Accent Dictionary

The Chinese traditional characters have been generated through the use of the simplified characters with 在线繁体字转换器.

About OJAD

OJAD is an online Japanese accent database for learners and teachers of Japanese.  The goal of this tool is to enhance the awareness and understanding of the Japanese pitch accent with a suite of four features.   The words in the dictionary encompass over 9000 nouns and 3500 declinable words including verbs, i-adjectives, and na-adjectives, making it possible to search approximately 42,300 conjugations of words.  What's more, each conjugated form given in the dictionary is accompanied by both male and female audio.  This suite provides three other useful tools in addition to word search.  With Verb-Suffix Search, you can look up the accent type for a verb followed by a suffix.  With Text-Search, you can look up the accent types for words in an excerpt of text.  Lastly, with Suzuki-kun, you can predict and display the pitch contour for an excerpt of text.  We hope that you will be able to make use of these tools in your future language lessons or language studies.




Update History

20180723 Added Version フランス語 . Click on the national flag to view.
20161118 教科書「できる日本語 初中級(アルク)」を追加しました。
20161118 教科書「できる日本語 初級(アルク)」を追加しました。
20161118 We have updated Access History.
20160126 We have updated Access History.
20151001 イタリア語版を追加しました。上部の国旗をクリックす ることでご覧になれます。
20150805 教科書「かんじだいすき1(公益社団法人 国際日本語普及協会)」を追加しました。
20150608 教科書「ひろこさんのたのしいにほんご(平凡社)」を追加しました。
20150602 Added Version ポルトガル語 . Click on the national flag to view.
20150602 We have updated Access History.
20150527 Added Version Swedish . Click on the national flag to view.
20150310 We have updated Access History.
20141029 スズキクンの音声合成機能では,入力テキストを,様々な補助情報を付与した JEITA フォーマットに一旦変換し,それを音声波形化しています。この JEITA フォーマットを表示するオプションを追加しました。JEITA ラベルを「表示」にして「実行」し,音声を「作成」すると,表示されます。
20141029 スズキクンを使った,読みとピッチパターンの表示ですが,原文も表示するようにしました。なお,オプションで原文を非表示にすることもできます。
20140830 It is now possible to change the speaker and adjust the speech rate for Suzuki-kun. The speaker and voice quality can be changed midway through the text input into the system to create a conversation-style output.
It will be read with two different voices adding color to the reading.
Details can be seen at here and examples at here.
20140825 We have expanded the functionality of Suzuki-kun.
We have made it so 4 different voices can be chosen: 2 male and 2 female.
Also, it is possible to choose from Normal, Slow, and Fast speech rates.
20140824 Added Version Thai . Click on the national flag to view.
20140725 With the addition of Talking Suzuki-kun, we modified Demo.
20140709 We have given Suzuki-kun the ability to talk.
Greetings from Suzuki-kun are here.
For those that want to learn more, click here.
20140704 We have added access history to Access History for June, 2014.
The textbook "Japanese language and culture Starter A1 Coursebook for communicative language activities (Sanshusha)" has been added.
The textbook "Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter A1 Coursebook for communicative language competences" has been added.
20140612 Added Version Russian . Click on the national flag to view.
20140603 We have added access history to Access History for April and May, 2014.
20140521 The system had previously shown word difficulty with the format "C2(Upper Advanced)". However, we have done away with the alphanumeric labeling (e.g. A1/2,B1/2,C1/2) and so now the example will just be displayed as "Upper Advanced".
20140423 We have added access history to Access History for March, 2014.
20140418 Added Version Traditional Form . Click on the national flag to view.
20140404 We have added access history to Access History for February, 2014.
20140307 Added Version German . Click on the national flag to view.
20140217 We have added access history to Access History for January, 2014.
20140113 Added Version Vietnamese . Click on the national flag to view.
20140108 We have added the access history for 12/2013 to Access History.
Added Version Chinese . Click on the national flag to view.
20131231 We have added the link to Added Textbooks to the top page.
20131222 Added Version Korean . Click on the national flag to view.
20131219 We have added the access history for 11/2013 to Access History.
Added Version Indonesian . Click on the national flag to view.
20131126 The textbook "Minna No Nihongo Elementary Version 2 (3A Network)" has been added.
20131104 We have added the access history for 10/2013 to Access History.
20131009 We have added the access history for 9/2013 to Access History.
We have added a link to OJAD Multilingualization to the top page. We would like to ask your cooperation in bringing multilingual support to OJAD.
20130920 We have made it possible to fix errors in accent prediction produced by Suzuki-kun. If you click on a hiragana shown in the results, the pitch height will change for the clicked mora.
20130909 We have added the access history for August 2013 to Access History.
20130825 We have translated the OJAD Website to English. You can view the English website by clicking on the UK flag.
We have added the access history for July 2013 to Access History.
20130704 We have added the access history for June 2013 to Access History.
20130612 We have added the access history for May 2013 to Access History.
20130522 Suzuki-kun has been made to handle question sentences. By ending a sentence with a '?', the intonation will change to question form.
20130503 We have added nouns.
We have added the textbook Elementary Japanese: Genki (The Japan Times).
We have added the text book Japanese for Busy People.
We have added access history to Access History for April 2013.
20130423 We have added Twitter and Facebook buttons.
20130410 We have added the access history to Access History for March 2013.
20130307 We have added the link to Academic Presentations to the top page.
20130306 We have added the access history for February 2013 to Access History.
We have added a link to Let's try OJAD to the top page.
20130218 We have added the access history for January 2013 to Access History.
We have updated the pitch contour output of Suzuki-kun for the beginner mode and mountain-hill mode. It has been made to not display the secondary accent kernel of a phrase.
20130112 We have fixed the problem with the display that would occur when using Internet Explorer with Windows. If you still experience problems, see Contact us..
20130105 We have added the access history for December 2012 to Access History.
20121206 We have added OJAD Manual. This covers the features of Word Search, Verb Suffix Search, Text Search, and Prosody Tutor.
20121205 We have added the access history for November 2012 to Access History.
We have added Print-view to Suzuki-kun: Prosody Tutor.
20121123 This feature takes user-defined text and predicts what the accent (accounting for variations in accent) and the intonation should be. Beginner and advanced versions are provided.
20121123 For OJAD, we support 11 conjugated forms in addition to the plain form of verbs. To account for the wide variety of verb suffixes we have also provided Page. As of now, there are approximately 300 verb suffixes covered. These verb suffixes are taken from several Japanese textbooks.
20121109 We have added the access history for October, 2012 to Access History.
We have added a link to OJAD Text Search to the top page.
20121023 We have rearranged the Search and Display Options to make them more user-friendly.
It is now possible to use a wide variety of configurations when searching for words.
It is also possible to reorder the results into a variety of orders.
20121023 After being displayed, it is possible to interchange positions of or delete rows. Since previous versions, it has been possible to interchange the positions of or delete columns. It is also possible to edit at the row or column level in the Print-view.
20121023 The pitch contour can now be displayed as an option. This is also possible for the Print-view.
20121023 For speech sample playback, we have provided capabilities for speech to be played for all entries of a row, column, or page. To play the speech samples for a row, click on the the red and aqua icons at the far left. To play the speech samples of a column, click the red or blue icon at the top of the row. To play the speech samples for a page, click the red-blue button at the bottom-left of the page.
Simply clicking will result in the samples being played, but if you hold shift while clicking it is possible to do a download instead.
20121006 We have fixed mistakes arising from speech sample segmentation.
20121002 We have added the access history for September 2012 to Access History.
20120922 We have fixed the problem of not being able to hear the speech samples.
For the details, check out How to Play Audio.
We have registered OJAD to Minna No Textbook Site.
20120903 We have added Access History to the top page.
We have dealt with issues related to variations in accent type.
1) When more than one accent type is displayed, the accent type at the top is the standard accent type.
2) We have added an option to solely display the standard accent type.
20120825 For the six word difficulties, we have added Source. See Before using....
From Masako Ueda, one of the voice actors, we have received Message. See Before using....
20120823 We have added the speech samples.
We have updated Before using....
We have added Request to the top page.
20120818 We have officially introduced OJAD to the public at International Conference on Japanese Language Education (ICJLE2012) in a Poster Presentation.
Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter A1 Coursebook for Communicative Language Activities [Sanshusha]
Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter A1 Coursebook for communicative language competences [Sanshusha]
WADAIKO ―An Introduction to the Sounds and Rhythms of Japanese[AJALT]