Technical support for non-native students
to make an English oral presentation

This page provides non-native students of English with technical support to help them efficiently acquire good skills of oral presentation in English.

Technical support for your English oral presentation

In the University of Tokyo, most of the students are non-native speakers of English and many of them are supposed to have chances to make an English oral presentation in international workshops or conferences. In most of the cases, those students prepare a reading material in advance and read the material repeatedly to try to memorize the presentation flow. Some students may try to learn each sentence of the material by heart.

You may be able memorize each "word" of the mateiral but it does not always mean that your presentation is intelligible enough to the audience. Your pronunciation more or less influences the intelligibility of your presentation. Please suppose that you have a friend who is a native speaker of English. In this case, you may ask him/her to read your material to check how to "convert" your material to English sounds correctly. You may check the pronunciation of individual words or phonemes and the rhythmic or intonational patterns in your friend's utterances. The problem is that most of the students are not lucky enough to have friends whose mother tongue is English.

This problem can be solved technically although it may not be a perfect solution. These days, we can find a good speech technology to convert any English sentence to good English sounds, which is called a text-to-speech (TTS) converter. You can click this to hear an exmaple of English TTS system output. These utterances were generated by having a TTS system read a material, which was actually used when a master student in our university made his "first" English oral presentation in Italy.

You can see the reading material here. One question to ask you. Can you read the material so fluently as the TTS system reads it? If you think that the TTS system is not bad, do you want the system to read "your" reading material instead of looking for native speakers of English? With the system output, you can practice your pronunciation to improve the intelligbility of your presentation.

Are you interested in using an English TTS system?

In Japan, several software companies are developing their TTS systems but many of them are Japanese systems. Further, only a few companies are desigining their English system for educational purpose. One company, HOYA corporation, is developing its English TTS system for English teachers to use it in their classes. 参加して頂ける学習者の皆さんの中国語のレベルに応じて読み上げ資料を用意しています。初級の方は初級と中級の一部(セット2と8),中級の方は中級のセット1〜8,上級の方は,中級用〜上級用の全てのセットを読み上げてもらいます。なお,自分が初級,中級,上級の何れなのかは,読み上げ資料をご覧になり,自分で判断して下さい。なお,読み上げ資料にはピンインが付与された文と付与されていない文の両方を入れています。また,音声収録は文単位で行ないます。

初級用(/ / ), 3つ全てをまとめて zip 化したもの(PDF&Wordファイル)は こちら

中級用(/ / / / / / / ), 8つ全てをまとめて zip 化したもの(PDF&Wordファイル)は こちら

上級用(/ / / / / / / ), 8つ全てをまとめて zip 化したもの(PDF&Wordファイル)は こちら



  1. 事前に上記の読み上げ資料を使って,声を出して読む練習をしておいて下さい。なお,こちらにも目を通しておいてください。
  2. また,収録の効率化を図るため, 承諾書発声者表を事前にご記入頂き,収録日当日ご持参下さい。
  3. 収録は峯松研究室簡易録音室で行ないます。往復の交通費はお支払いします。
  4. 読み上げ資料を,文単位で読み上げて頂きます。
  5. 収録担当者が,その発声を(文単位)でファイル化していきます。読み上げ途中で間違いに気付いたり,あるいは,収録担当者が間違いに気付いたら,その文を再度読んでもらいます。数回読み直してもどうしても間違ってしまう場合は,その文はスキップして頂いて結構です。




 峯松教員室(峯松) :03-5841-6662