Nobuaki Minematsu and Keikichi Hirose, "Duration modeling with decreased intra-group temporal variation for HMM-based phoneme recognition," IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, Vol.E78-D, No.6, pp.654-661 (1995-6).
Xinhui Hu and Keikichi Hirose, "Tone recognition of Chinese dissyllables using hidden Markov models," IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, Vol.E78-D, No.6, pp.685-691 (1995-6).
Sumio Ohno, Keikichi Hirose and Hiroya Fujisaki, "A scheme for word detection in continuous speech using likelihood scores of segments modified by their context within a word," IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, Vol.E78-D, No.6, pp.725-731 (1995-6).
Nobuaki Minematsu and Keikichi Hirose, "Role of prosodic features in the human process of perceiving spoken words and sentences in Japanese," J. Acoust. Soc. Japan(E), Vol.16, No.5, pp.311-320 (1995-9).
Keikichi Hirose and Toru Senoo, "A method of generating speech reply with elliptical expressions and prosodic emphases," Proceedings ESCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Vigs$B&U(B, pp.233-236 (1995-6).
Keikichi Hirose and Xinhui Hu, "HMM-based tone recognition of Chinese trisyllables using double codebooks on fundamental frequency and waveform power," Proceedings 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Madrid, Vol.1, MOpm2A.5, pp.31-34 (1995-9).
Mayumi Sakata and Keikichi Hirose, "Analysis and synthesis of prosodic features in spoken dialogue of Japanese," Proceedings 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Madrid, Vol.2, WEam2C.1, pp.1007-1010 (1995-9).
Hingkeung Kwan and Keikichi Hirose, "Recognized phoneme-based n-gram modeling in automatic language identification," Proceedings 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Madrid, Vol.2, WEpm2C.5, pp.1367-1370 (1995-9).
Hingkeung Kwan and Keikichi Hirose, "Use of phonetic classes in language identification," Proceedings IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition Workshop, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Snowbird, pp.193-194 (1995-12).
$B8U?751(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B4pK\<~GH?t$H%Q%o(B-$B$K4X$9$k%3(B-$B%I%V%C%/$rMQ$$$?Cf9q8lB?2;@a$N@ Hing-Keung Kwan, Keikichi Hirose, "Experiments of the use of phoneme-based features in automatic language identification," $BF|K\2;6A3X2qJ?@.#7G/EY=U5(8&5fH/I=2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.$B-5(B, 1-Q-27, pp.149-150 (1995-3).$B!J1QJ8!K(B $B:y0f=_9((B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BItJ,(BAbS$BJ}<0$rMQ$$$?E}8l6-3&$N9b@:EY?dDj(B," $BF|K\2;6A3X2qJ?@.#7G/EY=U5(8&5fH/I=2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.$B-5(B, 2-4-9, pp.23-24 (1995-3). $BKeHxE0(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BE75$>pJs$rBP>]$H$7$?=d;k $B:eED??5](B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $B!HBPOC2;@<$K$*$1$k1$N'E*FCD'$NJ,@O$H9g@.(B," $BF|K\2;6A3X2qJ?@.#7G/EY=U5(8&5fH/I=2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.$B-5(B, 3-4-4, pp.281-282 (1995-3). $BJw>>?.L@(B, $B>>2 $B:eED??5](B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BBPOC2;@<$HO/FI2;@<$K$*$1$k4pK\<~GH?t%Q%?(B-$B%s$NFCD'$NHf3S(B," $BF|K\2;6A3X2qJ?@.#7G/EY=)5(8&5fH/I=2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.$B-5(B, 1-1-7, pp.211-212 (1995-9). Hingkeung Kwan and Keikichi Hirose, "Language identification using HMMs of phonetic classes," $BF|K\2;6A3X2qJ?@.#7G/EY=)5(8&5fH/I=2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.$B-5(B, 1-Q-13, pp.163-164 (1995-9).$B!J1QJ8!K(B $B:y0fFX9((B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BItJ,(BAbS$BJ}<0$K$h$kE}8l6-3&0LCV$N?dDj$K4X$9$k8!F$(B," $BF|K\2;6A3X2qJ?@.#7G/EY=)5(8&5fH/I=2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.$B-5(B, 2-10-8, pp.99-100 (1995-9).
Keikichi Hirose, "Disambiguating recognition results by prosodic features," Proceedings ATR 1995 International Workshop on Computational Modeling of Prosody for Spontaneous Speech Processing, Kyoto, pp.4.2-7 (1995-4).
Hingkeung Kwan and Keikichi Hirose, "Analysis of Ergodic HMM used for language identification," Proceedings of Fifteenth Annual Speech Research Symposium, Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, pp.138-141 (1995-6).
$B:eED??5](B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BBPOC2;@<$N1$N'E*FCD'$NJ,@O$H9g@.(B," $BEE;R>pJsDL?.3X2q5;=Q8&5fJs9p!J2;@<8&5f2q!K!?F|K\2;6A3X2q2;@<8&5f2q;qNA(B, SP95-17, pp.55-62 (1995-5).
Hingkeung Kwan and Keikichi Hirose, "Use of phoneme-based features in language identification ($B8@8l<1JL$K$*$1$k2;AG$NFCD'$NMxMQ(B)," $BEE;R>pJsDL?.3X2q5;=Q8&5fJs9p(B($B2;@<8&5f2q(B)$B!?F|K\2;6A3X2q2;@<8&5f2q;qNA(B, SP95-29, pp.33-40 (1995-6). ($B1QJ8(B)
Hingkeung Kwan and Keikichi Hirose, "Phonetic cluster features for language identification," $B>pJs=hM}3X2q8&5fJs9p!J2;@<8@8l>pJs=hM}8&5f2q!K(B, SLP-8-1, pp.1-6 (1995-10). ($B1QJ8(B)
$B:y0fFX9((B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B4pK\<~GH?t%Q%?(B-$B%s$NItJ,(BAbS$BJ}<0$K$h$k%U%l(B-$B%:6-3&$N?dDj$K4X$9$k8!F$(B," $BEE;R>pJsDL?.3X2q5;=Q8&5fJs9p(B $B!J2;@<8&5f2q!?8@8lM}2r$H%3%_%e%K%1(B-$B%7%g%s8&5f2q!K!?(B $BF|K\2;6A3X2q2;@<8&5f2q;qNA(B, SP95-82/NLC95-47; $B>pJs=hM}3X2q8&5fJs9p(B($B2;@<8@8l>pJs=hM}8&5f2q(B), 9-2, pp.7-12 (1995-12).
$B8U(B $B?751(B, "$BI8=`Cf9q8l2;@<$K$*$1$k@
$B9-@%7<5H(B, "7.3$B%F%-%9%H$+$i$N2;@<9g@.(B," $B?7HG>pJs=hM}%O%s%I%V%C%/(B, $B>pJs=hM}3X2qJT(B, $B%*!<%`