$B9-@%7<5H(B, $BMk3$^9(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, "$B4pK\<~GH?t%Q%?!<%s@8@.2aDx%b%G%k$K$h$k(B $BI8=`Cf9q8l2;@<$N1$N'E*FCD'$NJ,@O$HDj<02=(B," $BF|K\2;6A3X2q;o(B, Vol.50, No.3, pp.177-187 (1994-3).
$B2O0f91(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, "$BF|K\8lJ8>O2;@<9g@.$N$?$a$N1$N'5,B'(B," $BF|K\2;6A3X2q;o(B, Vol.50, No.6, pp.433-442 (1994-6).
Sumio Ohno, Hiroya Fujisaki and Keikichi Hirose, "A method for efficient DP matching in spoken word recognition," Proceedings 1994 International Symposium on Speech, Image Processing & Neural Networks, Hong Kong, Vol.2, pp.714-717,(1994-4-15).
Keikichi Hirose, Mayumi Sakata, Masafune Osame and Hiroya Fujisaki, "Analysis and synthesis of fundamental frequency contours for the spoken dialogue in Japanese," Proceedings 2nd ESCA/IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis, New Paltz, pp.167-170 (1994-9).
Nobuaki Minematsu and Keikichi Hirose, "Speech recognition using HMM with decreased intra-group variation in the temporal structure," Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Yokohama, Vol.1, 7.1, pp.187-190 (1994-9).
Xinhui Hu and Keikichi Hirose, "Recognition of Chinese tones in monosyllabic and disyllabic speech using HMM," Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Yokohama, Vol.1, 7.5, pp.203-206 (1994-9).
Hiroya Fujisaki, Sumio Ohno, Masafune Osame and Keikichi Hirose, "Prosodic characteristics of spoken dialogues for information query," Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Yokohama, Vol.3, 20.7, pp.1103-1106 (1994-9).
Keikichi Hirose, Atsuhiro Sakurai and Hiroyuki Konno, "Use of prosodic features in the recognition of continuous speech," Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Yokohama, Vol.3, 20.12, pp.1123-1126 (1994-9).
Nobuaki Minematsu and Keikichi Hirose, "Role of prosodic features in the human Process of speech perception," Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Yokohama, Vol.3, 21.8, pp.1151-1154 (1994-9).
Changfu Wang, Wenshen Yue, Keikichi Hirose and Hiroya Fujisaki, "A scheme for Chinese speech synthesis by rule based on pitch-synchronous multiple-pulse extraction LP method," Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Yokohama, Vol.3, 27.26, pp.1679-1682 (1994-9).
Sumio Ohno, Hiroya Fujisaki and Keikichi Hirose, "A method for word spotting in continuous speech using both segmental and contextual likelihood scores," Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Yokohama, Vol.4, 36.19, pp.2199-2202 (1994-9).
$B:#LnGnG7(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $B!H1$N'>pJs$rMxMQ$7$?E}8l6-3&8!=P $B8U?751(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "HMM$B$rMQ$$$?Cf9q8lFs2;@a8l$N@ $BF#:jGnLi(B, $BBgLn@!M:(B, $BG<@5J8(B, $B?eLn>4M5(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B2;@<$N1$N'E*FCD'$K$h$kOCp$NI=8=(B," $BF|K\2;6A3X2qJ?@.#6G/EY=U5(8&5fH/I=2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.$B-5(B, 2-7-18, pp.83-84 (1994-3). $BJw>>?.L@(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B2;@ $BF#:jGnLi(B, $BBgLn@!M:(B, $BG<@5J8(B, $B?eC+?58c(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BBPOC2;@<$HO/FI2;@<$N%$%s%H%M(B-$B%7%g%s$NHf3S(B," $BEE;R>pJsDL?.3X2q=U5(Bg2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.1, A302, pp.304 (1994-3). $BNkLZIR9n(B, $B>.?y9/9((B, $BKeHxE0(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B5$>]>pJs$rBP>]$H$7$?=d;kpJs!&%7%9%F%`ItLgBg2qO@J8=8(B, B-1-5, pp.335-336 (1994-6). $BKeHxE0(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B=d;k $B8U?751(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BCf9q8lB?2;@a8l$N@ $BJw>>?.L@(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "HMM$B$KBP$9$k2;@<$N;~4V9=B$$N5-=R$K4X$9$k8!F$(B," $BF|K\2;6A3X2qJ?@.#6G/EY=)5(8&5fH/I=2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.$B-5(B, 1-R-4, pp.199-200 (1994-10). $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B2;@<=hM}8&5f$H%W%m%=%G%#(B-," $BF|K\2;6A3X2qJ?@.#6G/EY=)5(8&5fH/I=2q9V1iO@J8=8(B, Vol.$B-5(B, 2-5-14, pp.299-302 (1994-11).$B!J>7BTO@J8!K(B $BJw>>?.L@(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BJ82;@
Ren-hua Wang and Keikichi Hirose, "Outlines of the cooperative program on techniques and systems for man-machine communication through spoken language," Proceedings on 1994 Japan-China Symposium on Advanced Information Technology, Tokyo, pp.1-5 (1994-9).
Chang-fu Wang, Bei-qian Dai, Keikichi Hirose and Hiroya Fujisaki, "Pitch extraction of speech signal based on estimation of glottal closure instants," Proceedings on 1994 Japan-China Symposium on Advanced Information Technology, Tokyo, pp.55-61 (1994-9).
Keikichi Hirose and Atsuhiro Sakurai, "Use of fundamental frequency contours for the improvement of continuous speech recognition," Proceedings on 1994 Japan-China Symposium on Advanced Information Technology, Tokyo, pp.63-68 (1994-9).
Nobuaki Minematsu and Keikichi Hirose, "Influence of prosodic features on the human process of speech perception," Proceedings on 1994 Japan-China Symposium on Advanced Information Technology, Tokyo, pp.69-75 (1994-9).
Xin-hui Hu and Keikichi Hirose, "Study on tone recognition of standard Chinese monosyllabic and disyllabic speech using HMM," Proceedings on 1994 Japan-China Symposium on Advanced Information Technology, Tokyo, pp.77-84 (1994-9).
$B:#LnGnG7(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B1$N'>pJs$rMxMQ$7$?E}8l6-3&$NCj=P(B," $BEE;R>pJsDL?.3X2q5;=Q8&5fJs9p!J2;@<8&5f2q!K!?F|K\2;6A3X2q2;@<8&5f2q;qNA(B, SP93-122, pp.31-38 (1994-1).
$B8U?751(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B#H#M#M$K$h$kCf9q8lC18l@pJsDL?.3X2q5;=Q8&5fJs9p!J2;@<8&5f2q!K!?F|K\2;6A3X2q2;@<8&5f2q;qNA(B, SP93-123, pp.39-45 (1994-1).
$B8U?751(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BI8=`Cf9q8lFs2;@a8l$K$*$1$k@pJsDL?.3X2q5;=Q8&5fJs9p!J2;@<8&5f2q!K!?F|K\2;6A3X2q2;@<8&5f2q;qNA(B, SP94-18, pp.29-36 (1994-6).
$BNkLZIR9n(B, $B>.?y9/9((B, $BKeHxE0(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$B=d;kpJs=hM}3X2q2;@<8@8l=hM}8&5f2q;qNA(B, 94-SLP-2-5, pp.31-34 (1994-7).
$B9-@%7<5H(B, $B9b66EP(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, $BBgLn@!M:(B, "$B2;@<$N4pK\<~GH?t%Q%?(B-$B%s$K$*$1$kOCp$NI=8=(B," $BEE;R>pJsDL?.3X2q5;=Q8&5fJs9p!J%R%e(B-$B%^%s%3%_%e%K%1(B-$B%7%g%s8&5f2q!K(B, HC94-41, pp.33-40 (1994-9).
$BJw>>?.L@(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, "$BO"B32;@pJsDL?.3X2q5;=Q8&5fJs9p!JD03P8&5f2q!K!?F|K\2;6A3X2qD03P8&5f2q;qNA!)!)(B, EA94-46, pp.25-32 (1994-10).
$BJw>>(B $B?.L@(B, "$B2;@<$rG^BN$H$7$?>pJs$N