Publications of 1992 Last Updated:

1992$BG/(B $BJ88%0lMw(B

$B%j%s%/$,D%$i$l$F$$$kJ88%$O(B, Post Script $B$r(B gzip $B$7$?7A$G<}B"$5$l$F$$$^$9(B.
The English version is here.



  1. Hiroya Fujisaki, Haitao Lei and Keikichi Hirose, 
    "Analysis and synthesis of fundamental frequency contours 
    of connected speech in standard Chinese," 
    Proceedings 14th International Congress on Acoustics, 
    Beijing, (1992-2).
  2. Keikichi Hirose, Hiroya Fujisaki and Shigenobu Seto, 
    "A scheme for pitch extraction of speech using autocorrelation function 
    with frame length proportional to the time lag," 
    Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 
    Speech, & Signal Processing, San Francisco, 
    Vol.1, 21.9, pp.149-152 (1992-3).
  3. Nobuaki Minematsu, Sunio Ohno, Keikichi Hirose and Hiroya Fujisaki, 
    "The influence of semantic and syntactic information 
    on spoken sentence recognition," 
    Proceedings 1992 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 
    Banff, Vol.1, Tu.fPM.4.5, pp.153-156 (1992-10).
  4. Hiroya Fujisaki, Keikichi Hirose and Haitao Lei, 
    "Prosody and syntax in spoken sentences of standard Chinese," 
    Proceedings 1992 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 
    Banff, Vol.1, We.fPM.4.4, pp.433-436 (1992-10).
  5. Yasuharu Asano, Keikichi Hirose and Hiroya Fujisaki,
    $B!H(BA method of dialogue management for the speech response system," 
    Proceedings 1992 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 
    Banff, Vol.2, Th.PM.P, pp.1367-1370 (1992-10).


  1. $BJw>>?.L@(B, $BBgLn@!M:(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, 
  2. $BMk3$^9(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, 
    Vol.$B-5(B, 1-2-12, pp.229-230 (1992-3).
  3. $B@uLn9/<#(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, 
  4. $BBgLn@!M:(B, $BJw>>?.L@(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, 
    Vol.$B-5(B, 3-1-14, pp.97-98 (1992-3).
  5. $B@uLn9/<#(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $B>.?y9/9((B, 
  6. $B9-@%7<5H(B, $B@uLnB@O:(B, $B@uLn9/<#(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, $B;38}44M:(B, John-Paul Hosom, 
    Vol.$B-5(B, 1-P-9, pp.317-318 (1992-10).
  7. $BBgLn@!M:(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, 
  8. $BJw>>?.L@(B, $BBgLn@!M:(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, 
  9. $BJw>>?.L@(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $B0KF#$_$+(B, "$B2;@



  1. $BMk3$^9(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, 
    SP91-102,pp.1-8 (1992-1).
  2. $B@uLn9/<#(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, 
    SP91-110, pp.17-24 (1992-1).
  3. $BJw>>?.L@(B, $BBgLn@!M:(B, $B9-@%7<5H(B, $BF#:jGnLi(B, 
    H-92-56, pp.1-6 (1992-11).


  1. $B@uLn(B $B9/<#(B,
    $B3X0LO@J8(B, $BEl5~Bg3XBg3X1!(B $B9)3X7O8&5f2J(B. (1992-12)
  2. $BBgLn(B $B@!M:(B,


  1. $B9-@%7<5H(B, 
    $BF|K\2;6A3X2q;o(B, Vol.48, No.1, pp.39-45 (1992-1).
    [Keikichi Hirose, "Current trends and future prospects of speech synthesis,"
    Journal of Acoust. Soc. Japan, Vol.48, No.1, pp.39-45 (1992-1).]
  2. Keikichi Hirose, 
    "Prosodic control rules for speech synthesis," 
    Speech Science and Technology, Ohmusha, Tokyo, pp.151-158 (1992).
